who knew that four little words, asked by my friend "j", could shake me up.
"what's new with you"
let me rattle off six things about the kids, sports and friends and vacations and hobbies. then let's add nate's soon-coming promotion, and his trip to wisconsin and colorado. now add great news of my job reductions (a good thing), which has freed up some time for me.
but none of that is actually about me.
which made me really sad.
it tells me that not only am i INCREDIBLY boring, but i have failed to promote myself to the role of "valued player" in this family. i've managed everyone else's schedule and added on to their list of interests, but have neglected my own.
i have even :gasp: lost the motivation to read at night.
how sad!
yesterday, laying on the bed with nate, talking about this and that, i noticed that he (laying on his stomach with his feet up in the air behind him) couldn't get his feet anywhere near his head. so i pushed his feet, then his head, and tried to get them to touch. nope. wasn't happenening.
so then i tried to show him how i "used" to do it.
nope, that wasn't happening either.
so then i showed him how in gymastics, our coaches would get us more limber to be able to touch our feet to our head. stand about a foot from the wall, back to the wall, then arch your head back until your hands touch the wall. walk your hands down the wall, until your hands get to the floor.
i did it, kind of. not to the floor, but about 2 feet from it. not bad for a 33 year old counter jockey. haha
granted, while i did it, i slipped once and left a wet slide mark down the wall, because i guess i leave my mouth open when i do it. and then another time, my ponytail holder got caught on the light switch. good times
and then after i finished my acrobatic humiliation, it occurred to me that i did something right then that i hadn't done in i don't know how long.
no, not exercised, but thank you for that.
no, not embarrassed myself, that happens FAR too often.
at that moment, i did something just because i wanted to, because i enjoyed it. it took 2 minutes, and i did it. it wasn't about the kids, or nate. its something i did because i could, and because i wanted to.
so whats stopping me from doing this every day.
a goal: to have "something new" to tell people when they ask.
God knows i deserve a little fun. i guess it's time i start making some of my own.